B1bl3man- Th3 L05t 3p150d3 Cr3ppyP45t4

It was the summer I turned 16. My mom and sister had left on vacation, and I was left to watch the house. I was doing routine cleaning and digging inside the couch for spare change, trash, and the sorts, when I came across something I had never seen before. A dingy looking VHS tape was down in the couch- in a place I knew I checked every week- with one word written on it in big, crude, block letters- “BIBLEMAN.”

I laughed- my sister was probably just pulling a prank. She knew I hated Bibleman- it was a show we had to watch in Sunday School every week, even if it was stupid. I flipped the tape over, only to be greeted with more words- “EPISODE 33 - BIBLEMAN IN HELL”

I laughed again. This was so clearly fake- Bibleman only had 32 episodes in the original canon, and thank that nonexistent God that I didn’t have to watch the animation. Even so, it made me feel really uncomfortable. I thought about it and decided what the hell, I’d watch it.

 I slowly popped the VHS into the player.. And waited. At first, it seemed like nothing was on the VHS, but as I went to take it out, the Bibleman intro started playing. I laughed, again, though this time because I was... uncomfortable. Everything seemed normal. At first it was just the episode I immediately recognised as “Defeating The Shadow Of Doubt.” Around 9 or 10 minutes in, when Bibleman and Carol are supposed to be having a friendly and encouraging conversation, Bibleman instead turns to Carol and says slowly, “You cannot repent, Carol. You cannot ever say sorry to your holy father. Carol, you are in Hell.”

 After that Carol screamed and so did I. I wanted to get up. I wanted to take out the tape. But I couldn't. Bibleman had me trapped and I wasn’t going anywhere until he sent me to Hell. I realised that this tape would be my one way ticket, and I couldn’t get out. After the video ended, I got a call from my mother.

 She said “My baby, Bibleman is coming.. Why..why would y-” and then she screamed and ended the call.

 “Mom..” I whispered, “I’m sorry.”

And the door burst down

And now bibleman is here

And now I’m in hell.